We create loops in Indonesia

Welcome to RECO WORLD, We recycle and create recyclable plastic

Our Vision

We want to become a leading recycling company that actively contributes to society, environment and economy as a solution to global environmental problems.

Our Mission

Develop integrated recycling centers in every region in Indonesia.

Continuously developing technology to increase recycling efficiency and effectiveness.

Collaborating with local governments to promote eco-conscious behavior in society.


Material Recovery Facility

Waste from various sources ranging from households, industry, offices and business sectors such as hotels, shops and malls, is collected by City Garbage Trucks.

After that, waste is collected and sorted, plastic waste that can be processed will be taken to RECO's factory to be recycled, and residue that cannot be processed will be disposed of at landfill.

Supply Chain Generation

Waste from various sources ranging from households, industry, offices and business sectors such as hotels, shops and malls, is collected by waste collectors which will then be collected to aggregators who have collaborated with RECO.

Plastic waste that can be reprocessed will be collected at the RECO factory to be managed again.


What We Do With Your Waste.

First we do the pretreatment process by removing labels, hooks and grouping items by color. Next, we do the decontamination process by washing it using hot and cold water. After that, the plastic waste will be chopped and made into pellets

The results of this production will be distributed to various users such as Bottle Company, Packaging Company, Furniture Company, etc.

Business Unit

To manage varied and quality waste and products, we have several business units spread across several cities in Indonesia


PT. Sang Plastik Indonesia

Recycled Focus Plastic Packaging Factory located in Surabaya. Producing recycled shopping bags, trash bags and courier bags.


PT. Milion Limbah Makassar

End-to-end plastic recycling factory which focuses on post-consumer plastic packaging and low value plastics.


PT. Milion Limbah Pasuruan

Plastic recycling factory which focuses on Industrial Waste from surrounding Pasuruan Industrial Estate Area.


PT. Milion Limbah Ambon

RECO remotest factory recycling plastic waste and saving more than 2,000 tons of plastics annually from being thrown to the ocean.


Synergy With ADUPI

(Asosiasi Daur Ulang Plastik Indonesia)

RECO, as a member of ADUPI, is continuously and actively involved in educating and supporting the community to raise the awareness of the importance of sourced segregating waste

Through several occasions, RECO also provides help for the informal sector to endorse social entrepreneurs around Indonesia to be within the value chain ADUPI builds.

RECO and ADUPI also actively engage communication to the governments and other stakeholder to build supportive recycling ecosystem in Indonesia


You Need Our Products? Let's Talk About Details

Currently we provide our products for various scales, both large scale for industrial use and small and medium scale for small and home industries

We Collaborate to Make Impact

We are aware that currently plastic is a complicated problem in Indonesia, so to create better use of plastic, we collaborate with various stakeholders of society and local governments. Do you want to collaborate for change? Please contact us.
